About Dr. James H. Mason III

Dr. James H. Mason, III is a native of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and has served in full-time ministry for over 25 years. In 1993, he was ordained into ministry by his father, Pastor/Church Planter, Dr. James H Mason, Jr. Also, in 1993, Dr. Mason served faithfully as a youth pastor and assistant pastor under the excellent leadership of Dr. Rolston Mondaizie at The Plant Street/Central Church for seven years.
On November 29, 1997, Dr. Mason married his best friend, the lovely Pamela L. Shop; later on, they had four children: James IV, Moriah, Caleb, and Elijah.
He earned his Associate of Arts degree from Southwestern Christian College and his Bachelor’s degree from Southern Christian University. Dr. Mason has also attained two master’s degrees: one from Amridge University in ministry, and the second one from Regions University in leadership. As part of the doctoral program at Amridge University, he had to defend his dissertation, titled: “Overcoming Health Issues Among African American Clergy.” Dr. Mason later earned a Doctorate of Ministry degree from Amridge University in Montgomery, Alabama. He graduated in May 2019 with a GPA of 3.9, Suma Cum Laude.
He was later blessed to serve with Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr. for seven years at Beulahland/Greater Traveler’s Rest Baptist Church (now known as House of Hope Atlanta) as a daycare van driver. He was then promoted to Executive Pastor and served faithfully for another seven years.
In 2007, Dr. Mason was led by the Lord to relocate and serve with Pastor Vanable H. Moody, II. He served for seven years as Pastor of Membership and was later promoted to Chief Ministry Officer. While serving with Pastor Moody, God revealed a vision to him concerning ministry.
In 2014, Dr. Mason and his wife stepped out on faith and planted Birmingham Bible Church, formerly known as The Church of The Way International, in Birmingham, Alabama. Their first bible study was held on November 19, 2014, in Dante Jelks’ Funeral Home, and it was a blessing to all who attended.
Besides being a pastor, Dr. Mason is also a Board Member for the MyGirl Nonprofit Organization.
In 2021, Dr. Mason was blessed to join many other Christian speakers on the OnePlace.com Christian radio program. On this program, you can listen to the biblical teachings of different Christian speakers. If you are interested, click here to access Dr. Mason’s biblical teachings.
Dr. Mason ministers the Word of God in an effective and life-changing way that encourages, teaches, and corrects. Many have said that Dr. Mason is the “People’s Pastor.”
Dr. Mason gives God all the glory for the great things He has done through Him and looks forward to being used even more by Him. He plans to make a lasting impact on the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by carrying the Word to the world!